Dynamical behavior of hydrocarbon bubbles from natural marine seeps
报 告 人:王彬彬 博士,助理教授
Abstract: Submarine hydrocarbon seeps are ubiquitous on the continental margins and are important to the global methane inventory. This presentation will discuss a combined effort of observation and modeling to understand dynamical behavior of hydrocarbon bubbles from deep-water natural seeps. Optical and acoustic imaging techniques were used to quantify characteristics of bubbles (size, shape, velocity) and their evolution with onset and dissociation of gas hydrate. This study reveals the detailed physical process of rising seep bubbles released within gas hydrate stability zone. This work is important to understand the role of natural seeps in the oceanic biochemical cycling.
报告人简介:王彬彬,2013年于 University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee 获得土木与环境工程博士学位,2013-2016年于 Texas A&M University, College Station的Zachry Department of Civil Engineering从事博士后研究,2016-2018年于Texas A&M University, College Station的Geochemical and Environmental Research Group做Assistant Research Scientist,2018年至今于University of Missouri, Columbia土木和环境工程系任 Assistant Professor。主要从事病毒、藻类、微塑料、鱼卵、烃类颗粒与多相流等环境流体动力学以及深海摄像机研发等方面的研发工作,发表国际主流期刊论文40余篇,其中第一或通讯作者20篇,包括Geophysical Research Letters,Physics of Fluids,Remote Sensing等期刊。主持各类科研项目多项,目前在研项目10项,包括美国国家自然科学基金、美国地质调查局基金等。