时间: 2021年7月7日(星期三)上午9:00
参会方式: 腾讯会议(623 918 353)
报告人: Dr. Yiqi Luo(骆亦其), Northern Arizona University
骆亦其,现任美国北亚利桑那大学Regents冠名教授,长期在生态系统对全球变化响应和反馈及相关领域进行研究。发表学术论文500多篇,包括在Nature、Science、其子刊和PNAS上发表论文40余篇,论文被引用 4.7万次,H 指数108。科睿唯安Web of Science™ 高被引学者(2018-2020)。美国科学促进会 (2013)、美国地球物理联合会(2016)和美国生态学会(2018)会士。
摘要: Land ecosystems offer an effective nature-based solution to climate change mitigation by absorbing approximately 30% of anthropogenically emitted carbon. This estimated absorption is primarily based on constraints from atmospheric and oceanic measurements while quantification from direct studies of land carbon cycle themselves displays great uncertainty. The latter hinders prediction of the future fate of the land carbon sink. This talk will reveal a general dynamic pattern that the land carbon cycle changes in a direction toward a moving attractor in response to global change. This general pattern is captured by a matrix equation, which will be shown to unify almost all, if not all, land carbon cycle models, help diagnose model performance with new analytics, accelerate computational efficiency for spin-up, enable data assimilation with complex models, and guide carbon cycle research with a new theoretical framework.