时间: 2021年3月19日(星期五)上午 9:30
线上参会方式: ZOOM(会议号:670 2109 5883)
报告人:Dr. Nandita Basu, University of Waterloo
Nandita Basu,加拿大滑铁卢大学副教授,生态水文和水可持续研究中心主席,Journal of Hydrology主编,Royal Society of Canada成员。长期从事流域水文和生物地球化学工作,在水资源管理、流域物质循环、环境评估治理等领域取得系统性成就,相关成果发表在Nature和Science 等期刊。
讲座简介: Water quality is under severe threat, from intensive agricultural practices and widespread over-application of commercial fertilizers, to climate change and wildfires threatening our drinking water supplies, to emerging contaminants from rapid urbanization and concentrated livestock operations. Despite widespread implementation of a range of conservation measures, the last few decades have seen a lack of improvement, and sometime even a deterioration of the water quality in surface and groundwater bodies. Such lack of response can be attributed in part to legacy stores of nutrients that can accumulate in the landscape over decades of intensive agriculture, and contribute to time lags between conservation measures implemented on the landscape and water quality benefits realized in receiving water bodies. Dr. Basu’s team have used a combination of top-down analysis--using large datasets to identify patterns in landscape behavior--and mechanistic modeling to capture the ways in which long-term legacies of land use and management impact current dynamics in water quality. In this talk, Basu will address the nature of water quality challenges, especially focusing on long term legacies of nutrients, and discuss opportunities for addressing some of these challenges through a combination of top-down analysis -- using large geospatial datasets to identify watershed functional traits -- and mechanistic modeling, from the reach to the watershed scale. Through this discussion, she will highlight novel approaches for regional- and global-scale solutions to water quality challenges.