Global Climate Change and Amazing GRACE
时间:2020年10月18日(周日)上午 9:30-10:30
线上Zoom会议:348 215 8753
嘉宾简介:美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校CSR空间研究所高级研究科学家,国际著名地球物理学家。1998年获美国德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校地球物理学博士学位。从2005年至今,一直在国外从事地球物理和大地测量学研究工作,2004年至今任IERS全球地球物理流体中心水文局SBH主席,2004年获得NASA NIP奖、2005年获得美国宇航局NASA的美国总统奖(美国政府设置的在早期研究中获得突出成果的杰出科学家最高奖)、2007年获得NASA GRACE科学小组William T. Pecora奖。主要从事全球气候变化、空间大地测量技术应用等研究。以第一作者在Science、Nat. Geosci、GRL、WRR等期刊上发表60余篇SCI文章,文章引用约8400次。
报告摘要:The Earth climate system has experienced significant changes over the past several decades driven by global warming. Global climate change is characterized by changing long-term variability in different components of the Earth system, including the atmosphere, ocean, hydrosphere, and cryosphere. The first part of this presentation will give an overall picture of global climate change using data from state-of-the-art Earth observation techniques. Since the launch of the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) in 2002, satellite gravimetry has provided a revolutionary means for measuring large-scale mass variations in the Earth system with unprecedented accuracy. Time-variable gravity measurements from GRACE and GRACE Follow-On (GFO, launched in 2018) have been successfully used to study water mass movement and redistribution in different components of the climate system, and greatly improved our understanding of climate change. The second part will introduce GRACE/GFO applications using examples in different areas of climate change studies.