

【学术报告】Reactive Nitrogen: life cycle and impacts


报告题目:Reactive Nitrogen: life cycle and impacts



主讲嘉宾叶春翔 北京大学特聘研究员


叶春翔,北京大学特聘研究员,主要从事大气活性氮化学及其气候环境效应研究。相关研究成果以第一作者(和通讯作者)发表在Nature(2016)、Science (评述,2015)、ES&T(2016, 2017,2018)、Sci. Rep.(2019)、ACP(2018)等SCI期刊上。2017夏至今就职于北京大学环境科学与工程学院。近两年来建设大气活性氮光化学循环及其气候环境效应研究框架,利用TD-LIF-NOy,EESI-LTOF-MS等波谱技术和气溶胶流动管等反应模拟平台开展活性氮氧化物表面光化学的外场观测和实验室模拟。近期组织青藏高原大气光化学及其对大气活性氮浓度变化响应的闭合观测、实验室模拟和模式计算研究。


Reactive nitrogen species in the atmosphere refer to nitrogen oxides (NOx=NO+NO2) and their oxidation products (NOz = NOy-NOx). Photochemical cycling of nitrogen oxides perturbs radical chemistry and produces O3 and N-containing aerosol (e.g. Brown Carbon, BrC), of which the health effect and climate effect are big concerns in our society. Due to the trace amount and fast conversion, reactive nitrogen measurements rely on sophisticated analytic instrument. A bunch of important and interesting scientific questions, concerning the distribution, chemistry and impacts, could be tackled given appropriate application of analytic instrument and other research platform. In this seminar, two scientific arguments in reactive nitrogen chemistry will be further developed, taking advantage of the unique and precious dataset we collected during an aircraft measurement campaign 2013 and @Tibet 2019 campaign.

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