

【学术报告】China’s anthropogenic nutrients fluxes in freshwater ecosystem and implications for freshwater stoichiometry



时间:20191230日(周一)上午 10:00-11:30


报告简介Harmful algae bloom is becoming an increasingly serious global environmental challenge due to input of land derived contamination. Based on the decade long environmental monitoring results in China, we developed a modelling framework to quantify the anthropogenic nutrients fluxes in China’s freshwater ecosystem. Phosphorus releases from anthropogenic sources have shown significant decreases for most part of China, while the different types of sources showed different changing patterns. For nitrogen, temporal nitrogen discharge analysis indicates that the N discharges in the urban have slightly increased due to the increase in population since 2006 except Northeast China, while decreases in N discharges are observed in the rural regions. The N and P dynamics in lakes make the N:P ratio in China’s freshwater lakes keeps increasing, this has important implications for the N:P stoichiometry in the freshwater ecosystem.

嘉宾简介:林岩,挪威水研究所(NIVA)研究员、斯堪维亚环境研究发展有限公司(NIVA 中国子公司)总经理。研究领域主要包括污染物的地球环境化学以及迁移转化模型、污染物迁移转化模型、环境地球化学、国际环境公约、生态风险评估。主要学术成果包括参与更新了环境污染物传输INCA模型,开发了中国商品汞宏观物质流模型以及全国尺度的营养盐浓度变化及多年排放清单的编制等。发表SCI论文30余篇(其中以第一或通讯作者在Nature GeoscienceNational Science ReviewEnvironmental Science & Technology等国际SCI刊物发表15)。主持参与国际重要项目16项。

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