Late Holocene hydroclimate change in subtropical East Asia
主讲人:2018级博士生 宋云平
摘要:东亚副热带地区,受东亚季风、副热带高压及ENSO等多种因素影响,气候变化复杂, 极端气候事件(如暴雨、台风等)频发,严重影响了人们的生产生活。为了预测该区未来气候环境变化,需要对过去的气候变化历史有清晰的认识。讨论全新世气候变化特征,可以为现代气候的研究以及未来气候变化的预测提供重要的科学依据。本报告讨论了东亚副热带地区晚全新世水文气候变化特征。
Subtropical East Asia region is affected by many factors, such as EASM, WPSH and ENSO, resulting in complex changes and frequent extreme climate events (e.g., heavy rains, typhoons, etc.), which seriously affect people's production and life. To predict the future climate change in this region, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the past climate change history. To discuss the characteristics of Holocene climate change can provide an important scientific basis for the study of modern climate and the prediction of future climate change. This report discusses the hydrological and climatic characteristics of the Subtropical East Asia during the Late Holocene.