


1. 新的生物地球化学同位素示踪体系的开发和应用(如Ga和Sn同位素)



1) A novel chemical purification method for accurate Sn isotope measurement by MC-ICP-MS

Qu, Q.; Liu, W.; Zheng, W.; Chetelat, B.; Liu, Q.; Chen, J., 2024

Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry,  39 (9), 2258-2269.

2) An efficient method for the separation of REEs from Ba for the accurate determination of REE content in Ba-rich samples by ICP-MS

Liu, W.; An, Y.; Qu, Q.; Li, P.; Zhang, L.; Li, C.; Wei, S.; Zhou, H.; Chen, J., 2023

Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 38 (2), 449-456.

3) Precise analysis of gallium isotopic composition by MC-ICP-MS

W. Yuan, J.-B. Chen, J-L. Birck, Z-Y. Yin, S-L. Yuan, H-M. Cai, Z-W. Wang, Q. Huang, Z-H. Wang.2016

Analytical Chemistry, 88, 9606-9613.

2. 用控制实验模拟同位素在物理(如吸附、沉淀)、化学(如氧化、还原)和生物(如藻类、细菌新陈代谢)过程中的同位素分馏效应



1) Gallium isotope fractionation during precipitation of α-GaOOH from aqueous solution

Yuan, W.; Wang, Z.; Saldi, G. D.; Cai, H.; Zheng, W.; Schott, J.; Chen, J., 2024

Chemical Geology, 646, 121923.

2) Tracing the source and transport of Hg during pedogenesis in strongly weathered tropical soil using Hg isotopes

Gao, X.; Yuan, W.; Chen, J.; Huang, F.; Wang, Z.; Gong, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Liu, Y.; Zhang, T.; Zheng, W., 2023

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 361, 101-112.

3) Stable isotopes reveal photoreduction of particle-bound mercury driven by water-soluble organic carbon during severe haze

Zhang, K.; Zheng, W.; Sun, R.; He, S.; Shuai, W.; Fan, X.; Yuan, S.; Fu, P.; Deng, J.; Li, X.; Wang, S.; Chen, J., 2022

Environ. Sci. Technol., 56 (15), 10619-10628.

4) Mercury isotope variations within the marine food web of Chinese Bohai Sea: Implications for mercury sources and biogeochemical cycling

Meng, M.; Sun, R.; Liu, H.; Yu, B.; Yin, Y.; Hu, L.; Chen, J.; Shi, J.; Jiang, G., 2020

Journal of Hazardous Material, 384, 121379.

5) Mercury stable isotope fractionation during abiotic dark oxidation in the presence of thiols and natural organic matter

Zheng, W.; Demers, J.; Lu, X.; Bergquist, B. A.; Anbar, A. D.; Blum, J. D.; Gu, B. H., 2018

Environ. Sci. Technol., ACS Editor Choice, DOI: 0.1021/acs.est.8b05047.

6) Gallium isotope fractionation during Ga adsorption on calcite and goethite

W. Yuan, G.D. Saldi, J.-B. Chen, Z.M. Vetuschi, J-L. Birck, Y.-J. Liu, J. Schott, 2018

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 223, 350-363.

7) Nuclear field shift effect in isotope fractionation of mercury during abiotic reduction in the absence of light

Zheng, W.; Hintelmann, H., 2010

J. Phys. Chem. A, 114, 4238-4245.

8) Isotope fractionation of mercury during its photochemical reduction by low-molecular-weight organic compounds

Zheng, W.; Hintelmann, H., 2010

J. Phys. Chem. A, 114, 4246-4253.




1) Climate-forced Hg-remobilization associated with fern mutagenesis in the aftermath of the End-Triassic extinction

Bos, R.; Zheng, W.; Lindström, S.; Sanei, H.; Waajen, I.; Fendley, I. M.; Mather, T. A.; Wang, Y.; Rohovec, J.; Navrátil, T.; Sluijs, A.; van de Schootbrugge, B., 2024

Nature Communications, 15 (1), 3596.

2) The role of LIPs in Phanerozoic mass extinctions: An Hg perspective

Zhou, Y.; Li, Y.; Zheng, W.; Tang, S.; Pan, S.; Chen, J.; He, X.-F.; Shen, J.; Algeo, T. J., 2024

Earth-Science Reviews, 249, 104667.

3) Recurrent photic zone euxinia limited ocean oxygenation and animal evolution during the Ediacaran

Zheng, W.; Zhou, A.; Sahoo, S. K.; Nolan, M. R.; Ostrander, C. M.; Sun, R.; Anbar, A. D.; Xiao, S.; Chen, J., 2023

Nature Communications, 14 (1), 3920.

4) Mercury isotope evidence for recurrent photic-zone euxinia triggered by enhanced terrestrial nutrient inputs during the Late Devonian mass extinction

Zheng, W.; Gilleaudeau, G. J.; Algeo, T. J.; Zhao, Y.; Song, Y.; Zhang, Y.; Sahoo, S. K.; Anbar, A. D.; Carmichael, S. K.; Xie, S.; Liu, C.-Q.; Chen, J., 2023

Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 613, 118175.

5) A review on the elemental and isotopic geochemistry of gallium 

Yuan, W., Chen, J., Teng, H., Chetelat, B., Cai, H., Liu, J., et al., 2021

Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 35, e2021GB007033.

6) Evidence for a prolonged Permian-Triassic extinction interval from global marine mercury records

J Shen, J.-B. Chen, T.J. Algeo, S.-L Yuan, Q.-l. Feng, J.-X. Yu, L. Zhou, B. O’Connell, N. -J. Planavsky, 2019

Nature Communications, 10, 1-9.

7) Mercury isotope signatures record photic zone euxinia in the Mesoproterozoic ocean

Zheng, W.; Gilleaudeau, G. J.; Kah, L. C.; Anbar, A. D., 2018

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 115, 10594-10599.

4. 建立有效示踪化学风化强度的同位素(如B、Li、Ga、Si同位素)代用指标



1) Gallium isotope constraints on the intense weathering of basalt

Yuan, W.; Gong, Y.; Chen, J.; Wang, Z.; Huang, F.; Yang, X.; Chetelat, B.; Teng, H.; Schott, J., 2022

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 333, 22-38.

2) Deciphering the signatures of weathering and erosion processes and the effects of river management on Li isotopes in the subtropical Pearl River basin

Song, Y.; Zhang, X.; Bouchez, J.; Chetelat, B.; Gaillardet, J.; Chen, J.; Zhang, T.; Cai, H.; Yuan, W.; Wang, Z., 2021

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 313, 340-358.

3) Behavior of lithium isotopes in the Changjiang River system: Sources effects and responses to weathering and erosion

Q.-L. Wang, B. Chetelat, Z.-Q. Zhao, H. Ding, S.-L. Li, B.-L. Wang, J. Li and X.-L. Liu, 2015

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 151, 117-132.

4) Assessing the influence of lithology on weathering indices of Changjiang river sediments

B. Chetelat, C.-Q. Liu, Q. L. Wang and G. P. Zhang, 2013

Chemical Geology, 359, 108-115.



1) Stable isotopes reveal the contribution of glacier melting to mercury budget in Tibetan rivers

He, S.; Cai, H.; Sun, R.; Zheng, W.; Yuan, S.; Yuan, W.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, K.; An, Y.; Liu, J.; Chen, P.; Zhang, T.; Kang, S.; Chen, J., 2025

Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett., 12 (1), 85-91.

2) Mercury atmospheric emission, deposition and isotopic fingerprinting from major coal-fired power plants in Australia: Insights from palaeo-environmental analysis from sediment cores

Schneider, L.; Rose, N. L.; Myllyvirta, L.; Haberle, S.; Lintern, A.; Yuan, J.; Sinclair, D.; Holley, C.; Zawadzki, A.; Sun, R., 2021

Environmental Pollution, 287, 117596.

3) Methylmercury produced in upper oceans accumulates in deep Mariana Trench fauna

Sun, R.; Yuan, J.; Sonke, J. E.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, T.; Zheng, W.; Chen, S.; Meng, M.; Chen, J.; Liu, Y.; Peng, X.; Liu, C., 2020

Nature Communications, 11 (1), 3389.

4) Mercury isotope compositions across North American forests

Zheng, W.; Obrist, D.; Weis, D.; Bergquist, B. A.2016

Global Biogeochem. Cycles30, 1475-1492.

5) Zn isotopes in suspended load of the Seine River, France: isotopic variations and source determinations

J.-B. Chen, J. Gaillardet, P. Louvat, S. Huon2009

Geochemica et Cosmochemica Acta73, 4060-4076.

6. 同位素分馏模型与地球系统数值模拟


1) Modeling mercury isotopic fractionation in the atmosphere

Song, Z.; Sun, R.; Zhang, Y., 2022

Environmental Pollution, 307, 119588.

2) An integrated model for input and migration of mercury in Chinese coastal sediments

Meng, M.; Sun, R.-y.; Liu, H.-w.; Yu, B.; Yin, Y.-g.; Hu, L.-g.; Shi, J.-b.; Jiang, G.-b., 2019

Environ. Sci. Technol., 53 (5), 2460-2471

3) Modelling the mercury stable isotope distribution of Earth surface reservoirs: implications for global Hg cycling

Ruoyu Sun, Martin Jiskra, Helen M. Amos, Yanxu Zhang, Elsie M. Sunderland, Jeroen E. Sonke2019

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta246: 156-173.







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