
【聚焦关键】2019, the 100th anniversary of the discovery of Hg isotopes - challenges, surprises, opportunities




报告题目:2019, the 100th anniversary of the discovery of Hg isotopes - challenges, surprises, opportunities

主讲嘉宾:Jeroen E. Sonke

报告摘要:In 1919 and 1920 Sir Francis Aston at Camebridge University worked his way through the periodic table of the elements. One by one he discovered the isotopes of the elements using an instrument called the mass spectrograph. Since 2001 we use modern mass spectrometers to explore the natural variations in the isotope abundances of Hg. In this talk I will look back at both the long and short history of Hg isotope biogeochemistry. Initially a curiosity among few, Hg isotope signatures are now transforming Hg science, providing insights into longstanding debates on atmospheric Hg deposition, aquatic Hg transformations, or volcanic Hg emissions in the Geological past.

Jeroen E. Sonke:法国科学院-图卢兹地球环境研究所高级研究员,稳定同位素地球化学中心主任,在国际上率先开展金属稳定同位素(如铜、锌、汞)的实验和理论研究,目前主要利用汞同位素研究欧洲、东亚、南美以及极地、海洋的汞循环过程。近年来,在Nature、Nature Geosci、Nature Commun、PNAS等国际顶级期刊上发表论文多篇。

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