
【暑期课程】 Scientific writing in English for MSc, PhD students and junior scientists


课程日期: 2019年7月23日(星期二)

授课地点: 天津大学地科院221报告厅

授课教师:  法国科学院-图卢兹地球环境研究所高级研究员Jeroen E. Sonke博士

课程目标: A scientist is a writer! We spend 80% of our time writing emails, papers, and proposals. To be a successful scientist, one needs to embrace writing and communicating. This short course will give simple advice for scientific writing in English. Participants are invited to bring an abstract of 200 to 300 words, from a paper or conference presentation that they are preparing. If you have no abstract, you will write one during the course. Dr. Sonke will present the importance of title, and abstract in communicating science, the idea of storytelling, and advice on structuring a scientific paper.


9:00-10:00:   Seminar on scientific writing in English, followed by discussion with students

10:00-11:30: Abstract writing

14:00-17:00: Discussion of student abstracts on video projector, and continued abstract writing.

Jeroen E. Sonke: 法国科学院-图卢兹地球环境研究所高级研究员,稳定同位素地球化学中心主任,在国际上率先开展金属稳定同位素(如铜、锌、汞)的实验和理论研究,目前主要利用汞同位素研究欧洲、东亚、南美以及极地、海洋的汞循环过程。近年来,在Nature、Nature Geosci、Nature Commun、PNAS等国际顶级期刊上发表论文多篇

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