中文 | Tianjin University


Research Platform

1. Observation base platform

Tianjin Bohai Rim Coastal Earth Critical Zone National Observation and Research Station has established the Coastal Wetland Earth Critical Zone Observation base and the Coastal Earth Critical Zone Observation and Test site in Beidagang Wetland, Qilihai Wetland, Guangang and other places, with observation systems for meteorological and atmospheric environment, matter and energy flux, hydrology and geochemistry, soil and sediment, and biodiversity.

2. Observation equipment platform

According to the requirements of water, soil, gas and biological observation elements in the earth critical zone in the coastal area, the National Station around the Bohai Sea has a large number of field observation and test equipment, including meteorology, atmospheric chemistry, soil, hydrology, vegetation, biogeochemistry and remote sensing, among which more than 110 sets of instruments are worth over 50,000 yuan.

At present, the main observation and test equipment owned by the National Station around the Bohai National CZO are:

Hydrology: Groundwater surface water level, water temperature, conductivity automatic observer (AquaTROLL 200), field water quality multi-parameter meter (YSI EXO1), field water quality monitor (WTW), evapotranspiration meter, intelligent multi-frequency travelling Doppler water flow profiler (SonTek M9), portable water environment monitoring box, etc;

Soil: Soil moisture and water potential observation system, soil pH & redox monitoring system, in situ nutrient salt monitoring system, soil gas sampler, ground penetrating radar (MALA-ProEx), etc;

Atmosphere: Standard meteorological observation field, multi-factor automatic meteorological monitoring system, atmospheric particulate matter classification sampler, vorticity covariance flux observation system (LI-COR), small aperture laser scintillator, field artificial rainfall simulation system, etc;

Vegetation:Canopy Analyzer (LAI-2200), Plant Photosynthesis Instrument (LI-6800), Thermal Diffusion Plant Stem Flow Monitoring System, and Plant Water Potential Instrument (PSY1);

Biogeochemistry:Underwater methane and carbon dioxide meters, multifunctional floating platforms, on-line water isotope analyzer (GLA331), and gas vorticity system at the wetland sediment-water interface;

Remote sensing equipment:Thermal infrared imaging system (FLIR E95), infrared wave spectrometer (BOMAN MR304), spectroradiometer (SVC HR-1024), UAV LiDAR (CW-15/PH-25) and others.



The Bohai National CZO has a complete experimental platform, which can meet the pre-treatment requirements and analysis and testing requirements of different environmental samples, biological samples and geological samples. The hydrology and hydrochemistry laboratory controlled experiment platform of the  Bohai National CZO is capable of studying the material transport process of variable density flow under the dynamic near seawater, isotopic and geochemical analysis tests of the sediment profile in the coastal area, the shell embankment and oyster reef in Tianjin, and the function of analyzing the co-evolution of geomorphology, climate and vegetation in the Bohai Sea Rim region since the geological history.

The Binhai Industrial Research Institute of Tianjin University has equipped the national station with a 400-1000 m2 mobile apartment building, hydropower, central air conditioning and winter heating, fire fighting and domestic/experimental sewage treatment system, communication and network facilities, with fire and lightning protection and other safety facilities, the park has an independent canteen and corresponding sports venues. The office space of the  Bohai National CZO is fully equipped, which can accommodate 30 ~ 50 researchers (including postgraduates) at the same time for work and life, and can also be used to receive guest researchers, which can ensure the smooth development of researchers' work.



The instruments and equipment of the public experimental platform mainly include:

Device name




Device name




Ball mill

Jing Xin


Muffle Stove



Electrich eating plate

Lab Tech





Ultrapure water system


EQ 7000




One-Over-Ten-thousand Balance



Ultrasonic cleaner



Millionth balance

Mettler Toledo


Thermostatic waterbath



Acid purifier








4. Data platform

At present, the  Bohai National CZO has accumulated meteorological datasets, a collection of historical remote sensing satellite images, a dataset of chemical characteristics of regional atmospheric deposition materials, a dataset of basic water chemistry, a dataset of characteristics of the quality of the water environment, a dataset of nitrate isotopes, and a dataset of soil water isotopes, among other things.