On October 8, at the invitation of Associate Professor WANG Lichun, Professor Bridget R. Scanlon from the University of Texas at Austin, academician of the US National Academy of Engineering , gave an online lecture titled “Application of GRACE Satellites to Evaluate Climate versus Human Impacts on Water Resources in Major U.S. Aquifers”.
Prof. Bridget R. Scanlon received her doctorate from the University of Kentucky, focusing on karst hydrogeology in Kentucky’s Inner Bluegrass region. She has conducted research at the Bureau of Economic Geology at the Jackson School of Geosciences (University of Texas at Austin) for the past 30 years, where she leads the Sustainable Water Resources Program. Her research has covered a wide range of topics. Recent research has emphasized the interdependence of water and energy, including water use for shale oil and gas extraction and electricity generation. She has also evaluated the reliability of global models using GRACE satellite data. Dr. Scanlon has published numerous papers in refereed journals and has received more than 12,000 citations. She was the 2007 Birdsall Dreiss Distinguished Lecturer. She is a Fellow of AGU and GSA and was inducted into the National Academy of Engineering in 2016. She received the M. King Hubbert Award from NGWA in 2017.