Guanghui Yu, Ph.D., professor in the Institute of Surface-Earth System Science, was recently appointed to the editorial board of the journal Waste Management. He will serve as Associate Editor from March, 2019 (
Waste Management (IF=4.723) is an international multi-disciplinary journal for publication of original research on solid waste generation, characterization, minimization, collection, separation, treatment and disposal, as well as manuscripts that address waste management policy, education, and economic and environmental assessments. The journal addresses various types of solid wastes including municipal (e.g., residential, institutional, commercial), agricultural and special (e.g. construction and demolition, household hazardous, sewage sludge, and non-hazardous industrial) wastes.
Prof. Guanghui Yu’s recent research interests include: (1) Coupling Cycling of C and Fe in Soil.(2) Fungal-mineral Interfacial Processes.(3) Composting Process. He has published over 70 peer-reviewed English papers in international journals. He is also currently the Topic Editor of Frontiers in Environmental Science.
To see Prof. Yu’s full profile and a list of his publications, visit or