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'Inorganic and organic compositions of atmospheric aerosol: observations and analyses' Lecture by Prof. FU Pingqing


On March 10th, Prof.FU Pingqing was invited to give a lecture entitled "Inorganic and organic compositions of atmospheric aerosol: observations and analyses" for the faculty and students of the ISESS.

Dr. Pingqing Fu is Professor of Atmospheric Chemistry and Biogeochemistry at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IAPCAS), Beijing, China. His research interests include the study of organics in atmospheric aerosols, rain and fog waters at a molecular level as it relates to long-range transport, photochemical degradation, and climate change. He is an Editorial Board Member of the journal Scientific Report. He has authored and co-authored 82 scientific papers in peer-reviewed international journals with a total citation of >1260 and an h-index of 22.