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Prof. Yakov Kuzyakov and Researcher Ekaterina A. Filimonenko from the University of Gottingen and Tycoons State University Visited SESS


On April 8, Prof. Yakov Kuzyakov from the Department of Soil Science of the University of Gottingen, and Dr. Ekaterina A. Filimonenko from Tycoons State University visited the School of Earth System Science (SESS).

Prof. Yakov Kuzyakov gave an academic lecture titled "Microbial CUE in soil under N deposition: 13C & 18O approaches". The report focused on the importance of microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE) in soil, its measurement methods and the concept of microbial metabolic restriction were discussed. The effects of different CUE estimation methods on microbial carbon and nutrient dynamics were compared with the effects of increased anthropogenic nitrogen input and other global changes.

Dr. Ekaterina A. Filimonenko gave an academic report entitled "Effect of Land Use on Soil Organic Matter Stability", which deeply discussed the impact of land use on soil organic matter stability. The application of thermogravimetric analysis (TGA-DSC) to characterize the stability of soil organic matter was emphasized. 

Yakov Kuzyakov, a professor at Agricultural and Technological Institute in RUDN University (Russia), King Saud University (Saudi Arabia) and a professor of "Changjiang Scholars Award Program" of the Ministry of Education. Prof. Kuzyakov focuses in the field of soil science, and he is a specialist in ecology and biogeochemistry of soils, rhizosphere, agriculture, land use, agroecology.Prof. Kuzyakov also takes an active part in the research of the Department of Landscape Design and Sustainable Ecosystems. He is also a leading expert of the Smart Urban Nature laboratory and the main expert in the RSF project Smart Technologies for Monitoring and Evaluating an Ecosystem of Green Infrastructure and Soil Services. For 8 consecutive years (2015-2022), he was named on the Clarivate Analytics' list of the world's Most Cited scientists. To learn more about Prof. Yakov Kuzyakov: https://eng.rudn.ru/science/rudn-scientists/yakov-kuzyakov/

Ekaterina A. Filimonenko, a researcher at Tycoons State University, Russia, and has long been engaged in soil science, stability of soil organic matter under land use change and fire, isotope biogeochemical cycle, environmental geochemistry and other fields. She has won the Young Scientist Award of the Russian Academy of Sciences. She has published several papers in SCI journals such as Global Change Biology, Soil Biology and Biochemistry. To learn more about Ekaterina A. Filimonenko: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ekaterina-Filimonenko