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【Focus】Linking Water Flow Pathways and Contaminant transfer


Time:  14:30-15:50, 25th October(Friday), 2019

Venue:Lecture Hall 221, ISESS, Tianjin University (Weijin Road Campus)

Speaker:Prof. Shailesh Kumar Singh

Dr. Shailesh is senior scientist (hydrologist) with more than 15 years of experience in fundamental hydrological and water resource research. He specialises in the application of statistics in hydrology, climate, and water resources management. He has published more than 40 Journal papers in high quality international Journals. He is editors for 3 journals and reviewers for more than 25 Journals.


Where, when, and to what extent a land use or land management change affects freshwater quality depends on the physical and biogeochemical characteristics of the pathways of water flow that link the land (source) and a freshwater body (receptor).The flow and transport pathways vary at a range of spatial and temporal scales in their propensity to yield, convey and attenuate contaminants in a catchment.

The objective of this study was to characterise watersheds according to the major flow pathways:  overland flow, shallow sub-surface flow, a mix of overland and shallow subsurface flows, or deep ground water flow.