Time:14:00-15:30, 15th November
Venue:Lecture Hall 221, Building No. 16, Tianjin University
Speaker:Francois Chabaux (University of Strasbourg)
Title:Determination of weathering rates by analysis of U-series nuclides in weathering profile: principles, applications and limitations
About the Speaker:
Francois Chabaux is Distinguished Professor of Geoscience and Geochemistry at the “Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre (EOST)” at the University of Strasbourg, France. From 2013-2017 he headed the “ Laboratory of Hydrology and Geochemistry of Strasbourg ” (LHyGES-), which he founded in 2009 with P. Ackerer (Research Director, CNRS). In 2000, he structured the Isotope Geochemistry and Environmental Chemistry team of the University of Strasbourg, which he coordinated to 2014. Fran?ois Chabaux has focused his scientific activities on studying the mechanisms and time constants of weathering and erosion processes in continental hydro-systems by developing and using the elemental and isotopic geochemistry tools : (a) development of the methodology of U-series nuclides to constrain the time scales of weathering and erosion processes in the critical zone ; (b) development of geochemical approaches based on new stable isotopes (Ca, B, Li..) to depict the main processes involved in biogeochemical cycles ; (c) development of hydrogeochemical modeling approaches to the study of chemical transfers in the critical zone. With his colleagues at Strasbourg, his works and his activities have contributed significantly to the development of the Strengbach Critical Zone Observatory (OHGE) and more widely the French critical zone observatory network.