Time:14:00 - 15:00 pm, 31 January, 2018
Venue: Lecture Hall 221, ISESS (No. 16, Weijin Campus, Tianjin University)
Speaker: Prof. WANG Gehui, winner of 2013 National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, currently works at the School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal University (Shanghai). He has been engaged in atmospheric environmental chemistry since 2000 and published more 70 SCI papers in international journal such as Chemical Reviews, PNAS, Atmos. Chem. Phys., EST, and GRL. His research interests include analytical and atmospheric chemistry with focuses on the source and formation mechanism of atmospheric aerosols.
Abstract: Heterogeneous reaction is the key role in the formation process of secondary aerosols, which are the major components of PM2.5 during the severe haze periods in China. Prof. Gehui Wang will introduce his group’s recent work on the formation mechanism of rapid growth of sulfate in Beijing and Xi’an, then talk about the formation of ammonium nitrate on dust surface in Xi’an, and finally briefly present their work on the aqueous reactions of oxalic acid and related SOA during 2014 Beijing APEC period.