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[Friday Seminar Series] Brainstorming--Curiosity, Imagination and Science vs. Exclusiveness, Complementarity and Scientific Approach


Title:   Curiosity, Imagination and Science vs. Exclusiveness, Complementarity and Scientific Approach

Time: 1st March, 2019

         11:50-12:00, Sign up

          12:00-12:20,  Presentations

          12:20-12:45,  Free discussions

Venue: Lecture Hall 221,No.16 Building

Speaker: Prof. Hui Henry TENG


The essence of science by nature is to create new knowledge.  It therefore is inherent that creativity is embedded in any scientific endeavors.  This being the case, then why is ‘creativity’ seemingly missing in our daily mundane routines, so much so that the need for creativity is emphatically stressed in today’s society?  In this presentation, I will try to make the argument that the focus on ‘creativity’ is misguided, and we should instead pay more attention to cultivating imagination and curiosity that drives it.  The point is that once a new world is imagined, answering how to get from here to there will spawn creativity. I will try to make my point across by comparing Newtonian theory and Specific relativity, as well as Spontaneous generation and Germ theory.  Finally, I will discuss the acceptance of creative ideas and recognition associated with it.