

【聚焦关键】Atmospheric Nutrients in the Earth System: Sources, Processes and Impacts


主讲人:时宗波 博士
2003年获得中国矿业大学(北京)博士学位,主要从事城市气溶胶物理化学性质研究。2003-2005年在清华大学贺克斌院士研究组做博士后,从事雾霾追因和气溶胶源解析方面的研究。2005年获得日本学术振兴学会(JSPS)外国人特别研究员计划资助。2007年赴英国利兹大学从事博士后研究。2010年获得英国自然环境理事会(NERC)fellowship资助,同时担任伯明翰大学特别讲师。现任伯明翰大学高级讲师(副教授)。目前主要从事大气污染和全球地球化学循环方面的研究工作,已在Science Advances、PNAS、ES&T等刊物发表文章数十篇。
Millions of tons of aerosol particles are transported to remote oceans and forests each year. These particles, once deposited, provide the ecosystems with an external source of nutrients, such as iron, phosphorus, and nitrogen. This, in turn, stimulates primary production (a plant’s ability to produce complex organic compounds from water, carbon dioxide, and simple nutrients) and enhances carbon uptake and thus indirectly affects the climate. In this talk, I will introduce what are atmospheric nutrients and why they are important in the biogeochemical cycles and the earth system functioning. I will then describe our current understanding on the key natural and anthropogenic sources of atmospheric nutrients. I will also explain how atmospheric processes may affect the atmospheric nutrient deposition to the marine and terrestrial ecosystems. Finally, I will outline how atmospheric nutrients may affect the ecosystems and how this may affect the climate system.

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