报告时间:2024年9月20日(周五) 下午 15:00 -16:00
报告人:Lin Chin Yik (林晋毅) 博士,马来亚大学高级讲师
Our study focuses on the porewater geochemistry of coastal acid sulfate soil to understand metal mobility, especially in the context of climate change, which worsens the release of toxic metals through rising sea levels, higher temperatures, and ocean acidification. Key findings show significant spatial variability of major and trace elements (Fe, Mn, Mo) across depths. Redox processes in the subsurface resulted in immobility of Fe2+, mobility of Mn2+, and sulfide precipitation, influencing the distribution of metals. The behavior of molybdenum (Mo) was inconsistent. Overall, pH and redox conditions govern metal distribution in the sediments, and understanding metal mobility is essential for assessing environmental risks.
Lin Chin Yik (林晋毅) 博士是马来亚大学(UM)地质系的生物地球化学家兼高级讲师,目前依托地科院国际青年交流项目来访交流。林博士于2018年在剑桥大学获得地球科学博士学位,并获得剑桥哲学会研究奖学金。2019年加入马来亚大学以来,林博士的研究主要集中在微生物在海洋环境中碳循环中的作用,以及金属在低酸性环境(如酸硫酸盐土壤和沿海泥炭地)中的迁移性。在关于金属迁移性的研究对理解从陆地到海洋系统的元素循环具有全球意义,已发表学术论文30篇,并担任多家国际科学期刊的审稿人。