主 讲 人:张立欣
时 间:2023年12月20日(周四)中午12:30
地 点:16教学楼221报告厅
主 持 人:董克君
摘 要:石墨制靶是加速器质谱仪放射性碳年代学测量中的关键步骤之一,但样品石墨化的流程较为复杂且难上手,为进一步提高加速器质谱的应用率,学院购置了瑞士Ionplus公司产的AGE3 碳十四石墨化系统,该装置既可以将经过处理的有机样品通过EA的燃烧单元燃烧获得CO2,也可以在CHS2单元中将碳酸盐样品或水样通过加酸进行水解和氧化来获得CO2,上述获得的CO2经过分离纯化后进入到AGE3反应炉中,通过预先加入铁粉催化剂,在氢气作用下将CO2还原成石墨,然后可以压制成石墨靶进行碳十四测量。相较于Zn-Fe火焰封管法, AGE3石墨化系统具有操作简单易上手、效率高等优点。本次报告将简要叙述AGE3系统的原理应用以及操作流程,并探讨对于低碳含量样品的处理的可行性。
Abstract: Graphite targeting is one of the key steps in the radiocarbon chronology measurement of accelerator mass spectrometer. However, the process of sample graphitization is complicated and difficult to use. in order to further improve the utilization of accelerator mass spectrometer, we have purchased the AGE3 multi-functional carbon-14 graphitization system produced by Ionplus AG, Switzerland. This device can not only burn the treated organic sample through the combustion unit of EA to obtain CO2, but also hydrolyze and oxidize carbonate samples or water samples by adding acids in the CHS2 unit. The CO2 obtained above is separated and purified into the AGE3 reactor. By adding iron powder catalyst in advance, the CO2 is reduced to graphite under the action of hydrogen, and then can be pressed into a graphite target for carbon 14 measurement. Compared with the Zn-Fe flame sealing method, the AGE3 graphitization system has the advantages of simple operation and high efficiency. This presentation will briefly describe the principles, applications and operation procedures of the AGE3 system, and discuss the feasibility of processing low-carbon samples.