题 目:浅谈放射性
主 讲 人:董克君
时 间:2023年10月19日(周四)中午12:30
地 点:16教学楼221报告厅
摘 要:从地球诞生伊始,天然放射性核素就存在于我们这个星球上。几十亿年来,这些放射性物质一直在不断地进行着衰变、放出射线;而伴随着人类工业革命的历史进程,更多的人工放射性物质进入到了我们赖以生存的环境;我们人类就是在这种充满放射性的环境中不断发展进化,繁衍生息。报告将围绕放射性的发现、来源、应用及防护等方面作一简要介绍。
Radioactivity Overview
Natural radionuclides have existed on our planet since the beginning of the earth's existence. For billions of years, these radioactive substances have been continuously decaying and emitting rays. Along with the historical process of the human industrial revolution, more artificial radioactive substances have entered the environment on which we depend for our survival. Human beings have been developing and evolving in this environment full of radioactivity and thriving. The report will give a brief introduction to the discovery, origin, application and protection of radioactivity.