题 目:水中低浓度溶解性有机碳同位素的分析
主 讲 人:李笑博
时 间:2022年09月14日(周四)中午12:30
地 点:16教学楼221报告厅
摘 要:溶解性有机碳(DOC)是水中重要的物质组成,作为生物代谢过程中的电子供体,在水的生物地球化学反应中发挥着重要作用。常规的质谱仪器对于水样中有机碳的测试浓度和前处理要求较高,使用光谱仪器测试DOC低于7ppm时精度较低,稳定性较差,满足不了对于饮用水、地表河、地下河、水库和湖泊水样等低浓度样品的测试需求。本次报告利用学院平台仪器总有机碳仪-激光光谱同位素仪联用,建立了水中低浓度有机碳同位素测试方法,并对测试过程中遇到的问题进行解答。
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is an important component of water and plays an essential role in the biogeochemical reactions of water as an electron donor in biological metabolic processes. Conventional mass spectrometry instruments have high requirements for the pre-treatment of water samples, and spectroscopy instruments have low precision and poor stability when testing DOC below 7 ppm, which do not satisfy the testing needs of low concentration samples such as drinking water, surface rivers, underground rivers, reservoirs and lake water samples. In this presentation, we will introduce an isotope testing method for low concentration of organic carbon in water by using the instrument of Total Organic Carbon analyzer and Laser Spectroscopic Isotope meter (LSI) , and answer FAQs.