题 目:用于温泉气常规组分检测的四极杆质谱仪
主 讲 人:孙传强
时 间:2022年09月15日中午12:00
地 点:16教学楼221报告厅
摘 要:我院自行搭建了专用四极杆质谱仪,用于检测温泉气样品中的常规组分。本次秘笈分享主要介绍该仪器的工作原理和使用方法,希望对老师和同学们的科研工作有所帮助。
A dedicated quadrupole mass spectrometer was developed for the detection of conventional components in hot spring gas samples. This presentation focuses on the basic principle and usage of this instrument, which we hope will be helpful to teachers and students in their research work.