题 目:稳定同位素质谱仪测样准备15问
主 讲 人:鲁丽
时 间:2022年05月19日中午12:00
地 点:16教学楼221报告厅
摘 要:气体稳定同位素质谱仪与不同的外围设备联用可准确分析各种类型样品中的C、N、H、O和S等常见元素的稳定同位素比值,测样前样品的保存与前处理对于测样结果及测试精度影响较大,本期秘笈分享主要跟大家交流两台利用率较高的外设——元素分析仪和GasBench测样前样品准备需要注意的问题,并对同学们准备样品时遇到的其他问题进行解疑。
The stable isotope mass spectrometer with different peripheral equipment can precisely analyze the stable isotope ratios of common elements such as C, N, H, O, and S in various types of samples. The preservation and pretreatment of the samples before measurement has a great influence on the test results and test accuracy. This presentation shares information and operation tips of two common peripheral devices, EA and GasBench, which aims to deal with practical problems for students in mass spectrometer applications, especially during sample preparations.