



二元酸及其相关化合物是大气水溶性有机气溶胶的重要组成部分,对大气中细颗粒物和云的形成均具有密切的联系。二元酸的浓度和碳同位素组成可被用于示踪大气颗粒物的来源以及光化学老化过程。近日,我院Chandra Mouli Pavuluri教授课题组通过对东北亚地区三个站点的同时期采集的PM2.5样品中二元酸、酮酸、α-二羰基化合物的分子特征和δ13C的空间变化进行了分析,探究了东北亚地区有机气溶胶的来源及老化过程。

该研究成果以题为“Molecular distributions and 13C isotopic composition of dicarboxylic acids, oxocarboxylic acids and α-dicarbonyls in wintertime PM2.5 at three sites over Northeast Asia: Implications for origins and long-range atmospheric transport”发表在大气科学领域知名国际期刊Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres上。论文第一作者为我院2020级硕士生赵晓麦同学,通讯作者为地科院Chandra Mouli Pavuluri教授。

文章信息Xiaomai Zhao, Chandra Mouli Pavuluri, Zhichao Dong, Zhanjie Xu, Jayant Nirmalkar, Jinsang Jung, Pingqing Fu, Cong-Qiang Liu. Molecular Distributions and 13C Isotopic Composition of Dicarboxylic Acids, Oxocarboxylic Acids, and α-dicarbonyls in Wintertime PM2.5 at Three Sites Over Northeast Asia: Implications for Origins and Long-Range Atmospheric Transport. JGR Atmospheres 2023s, 128, e2023JD038864. https://doi.org/10.1029/2023JD038864

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