近日,国际SCI学术期刊Inland Waters以专刊的形式出版发行了我院牵头执行的国家重点研发计划项目“中国西南河流拦截对流域碳氮循环和输送的影响机制及其效应评估研究(2016YFA0601000)”对我国西南乌江梯级水库-河流系统的阶段性成果。该期专刊主题为Effects of Dams on River Biogeochemistry and Ecology(Volume 8, 2018 - Issue 2),共计收集了12篇研究论文,重点探讨了梯级筑坝对河流碳氮磷硅生物地球化学循环的影响,并特别关注了水库CO2气体释放问题、梯级水库浮游植物动态变化机制、流域尺度上筑坝对流域初级生产力的影响等。
1. Effects of dams on riverine biogeochemical cycling and ecology;
2. Sources and fluxes of particulate organic carbon in the Wujiang cascade reservoirs, southwest China;
3. Mechanisms controlling dissolved CO2 over-saturation in the Three Gorges Reservoir area;
4. Carbon dioxide emissions from cascade hydropower reservoirs along the Wujiang River, China;
5. Sources and key processes controlling particulate organic nitrogen in impounded river–reservoir systems on the Maotiao River, southwest China;
6. Variation in sources of inorganic nitrogen under different hydrological conditions in a floodplain lake: a case study of Bang Lake (Poyang Lake, Jiangxi Province, China);
7. Spatial variation of nitrogen cycling in a subtropical stratified impoundment in southwest China, elucidated by nitrous oxide isotopomer and nitrate isotopes
8. Impoundment-induced nitrogen–phosphorus imbalance in cascade reservoirs alleviated by input of anthropogenic nutrients;
9. Retention effects of river damming on dissolved silicon;
10. Effects of cascade reservoir dams on the streamflow and sediment transport in the Wujiang River basin of the Yangtze River, China
11. Phytoplankton community structure and succession in karst cascade reservoirs, SW China;
12. Response of terrestrial net primary productivity (NPPT) in the Wujiang catchment (China) to the construction of cascade hydropower stations