We strive to provide the best training to the next generation leading researchers in the field of sustainability science by instilling the the principles of system approach. Graduate education based on this aim focuses on cultivating rational thinking and mastering scientific methodology. Students will go through the entire cycle of scientific research via the route of problem-finding to problem-sovling and teamworking (Fig. 3), and ultimately approach the readiness to carry out independent research at the forefront of the prospective fields.
National and international collaborations
1. Active and in-development international research partners include Oregon state university, University of Southern California, California Institute of Technology, Washington University, University of Delaware, George Washington University, and North Carolina State University in the US; Hokkaido University and Kanazawa University in Japan, and University of Leeds in UK.
2. Established domestic collaborations include that with Nanjing University, China University of Science and Technology, China University of Geosciences, Beijing University, Southwestern University, Geochemical Institute of CAS, Institute of subtropical agriculture of CAS.