Time: 14:40pm - 15:20pm, 08 March, 2018
Venue: Lecture Hall 221, ISESS (No. 16, Weijin Campus, Tianjin University)
Speaker: Dr. Yunting FANG
Prof. Yunting Fang is currently vice dean at the Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has a long experience in nitrogen cycles, nitrogen deposition and stable isotopes in ecosystems. He has published more than 70 research papers in international journals (e.g., PNAS、Ecological Monographs、GCB、Atmospheric chemistry and Physics、Analytical Chemistry、ES&T、Soil Biology and Biochemistry、Ecosystems、Biogeosciences、Oecologia、JGR、Tellus B、Plant and Soil、Forest Ecology and Management). Prof. Fang is serving as an Editorial Board Member for ‘Ecological Research (2010 ~), Open Journal of Forestry (2011~), Chinese Journal of Ecology (2016 ~), Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology (2016~), and PeerJ (2017~).
Lab URL: http://isotope.iae.ac.cn/